12. Dr Deborah Mills - The Body is a Fragile, Delicate Miracle

Why being in AWE of our body and its capabilities serves a lifestyle of love.
Dr Deb is a pioneer of travel medicine in Australia, if not the globe. Since 1988, her clinic in Adelaide St., Brisbane, has prepared over 100,000 individuals for their international adventures. Turn on ‘talkback’ ABC radio on any night of the week and you just might catch the enthusiastic tones of Dr Deb sharing her vast experiences on how to embrace the health challenges of travel. In this arena, she is without peer. Her research and accumulated knowledge have been widely published in medical journals and conventional press. Her book Travelling Well: The must have guide to a safe and healthy journey is in its 21st edition. Apart from being the most passionate of practitioners, Deb also draws on her own exploration of 53 countries with special commendation for visits to Antarctica and Bhutan.

However, this podcast, is not just an insight into Deb’s professional passion. It is a commentary about both the strength and delicacy of the human body. She comments on the miracle of the immune system and how it works. She explains how vaccines give your body ‘a mini battle’ before the real disease hits. She explains drug ‘addiction’ and more importantly why we should be addicted to sleep! Eight glasses of water per day makes sense. She not only advocates plenty of fruit and vegetables, but also explains the value of intermittent fasting. Collectively, her advices in this episode, help us to maximise the body so we can embrace more years of living! 

Deb welcomes your feedback about this podcast and would encourage you to email her at  email@drdeb.com.au
I personally rate this episode as a must-hear!
12. Dr Deborah Mills - The Body is a Fragile, Delicate Miracle
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