13. Steven Gilbert - Life is like a Pizza Supreme... Colourful, Tasty and Satisfying

One of Domino’s Pizza Kings has two families … His beautiful wife and kids AND 450 staff. He loves them all.
Steven Gilbert has Pizza Sauce running through his veins! He owns 11 stores in the regions of North Brisbane and Newcastle which employ 450 staff. Yet meet him in the family home or at his Redcliffe store and you will see the same passionate man, full of life and love for his people. He doesn’t refer to himself as a business owner or a Domino’s Franchisee. He sees himself as THE COACH and responsible for the developing life skills of all employees, many of whom are tasting their very first job. His work culture emphasises fun, games, rewards and celebration. Some of his employees have grown with him over time to become permanent business partners. Steve proudly developed their personal and operational skills to the point, where vendor financing them into part ownership of his stores was the obvious next step. He calls it the ultimate ‘win-win’ and thanks Stephen Covey’s ‘7 HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE’ for inspiring him.

What is remarkable about Steve Gilbert is that his joy and enthusiasm for life invades everything he does. He speaks of his relationship with his wife Briony as if he was still ‘a teenage boy’ on his first date. Every Thursday is ‘daddy’s day off’ with his kids. He is at his happiest when all aspects of his life - family, health, work, staff – are being served in a single week. Such work-life balance is his foundation for constant joy.

Not only will you hear some wonderful ideas on how to generate self-love and happiness, you will feel it in his voice. Somehow, Steven Gilbert has found the rhythm that enables him to love life in an extraordinary way. Please laugh along with us.

Please contact Steven and let him know what you have learnt: steven.gilbert.dominos@gmail.com
13. Steven Gilbert - Life is like a Pizza Supreme... Colourful, Tasty and Satisfying
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