16. Happy - That Is His Real Name and There Is a Reason For It!

Happiness is a WAY OF LIFE !
ParkRun is a phenominal organisation. No matter where you live in the world, you are likely to find a ParkRun starting at 7am every Saturday morning. Run by volunteers, it's an opportunity to run 5 klms with the community and get timed. I once went to London and found a ParkRun in St James Park outside of Buckingham Palace, but the New Farm ParkRun here in Brisbane, Australia is even more royal. Not only does it attract over 500 runners, but it is an opportunity to meet a unique character. His name is 'HAPPY'.

Yes, this exuberant, lover of life, joyous American brings something extra special to the ParkRun experience. He has a smile and a laugh for everyone, a flower for the girls, a celebration 'yelp' for the finishers and a camera to capture the highlights. Everyone knows 'Happy'. Some privately question 'how could anyone be so 'Happy'?

What's his secret?

In this podcast, you will learn that it is not complex.

Learn that we can all drink from a well of 'enthusiasm' that lives inside us. It never dries up, yet according to 'Happy' some people forget it is there because they have allowed the joy to be knocked out of them by the inevitable challenges of life.

Simple acts of kindness are fuel for your own 'levels of happiness'.

Being bold and living on the edge helps too! It makes life exciting and fun.

Embrace this episode and let one man's journey and perspective of life remind you that 'Happiness, Joy and Love of Life is not only a choice. It is a lifestyle.
16. Happy - That Is His Real Name and There Is a Reason For It!
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