17. Brett Lee - A Pioneer in Internet Safety Education and a Love that Protects!

When it comes to the internet, NOTHING is PRIVATE !
Brett Lee was a detective for 23 years. His job was collecting evidence that protected the community from 'the bad guys'. In the process, Brett didn't realise, he was amassing profound information that would one day protect thousands of our children from the sinister forces of the Internet. Now, he is the definitive expert in this country around Internet Safety. Brett and his amazing organisation called Internet Safety Education help schools, teachers, parents, and students, recognise the dangers and 'undesirables' when on social media. He even coaches prep and kindergarten kids! At the time of this podcast, he had just started a week, which involved 17 presentations to the rural schools of Western Qld. Everyone wants Brett Lee and so they should for his experience and 5 simple protective strategies enhance the safety of our children on the NET by 90% if comprehensively applied.

First is recognition and understanding that NOTHING on the Internet is private. Absolutely NOTHING is PRIVATE and Brett proves it in this podcast ! What is interesting about his 4 other strategies is that if parents have the courage to 'tough love' them into action, they are more than likely to boost the esteem and comfort of their child substantially!

In this podcast, you will hear how the internet 'normalises' behaviour that might just challenge the values of your home and indeed the traditionally accepted values of society. You will hear discussion around the question of self-managing 'one's sexual preferences and desires'. Is this a missing part of our educational program? Self-management education may well be a key for those whose innate sexuality is at odds with social or community acceptance. It is a fascinating conversation, during which books such as The Way of the Superior Man Online Training | David Deida and Screen Resolution by Brett Lee - Internet Safe Education are referenced.

If you are a parent this is a must listen for you will learn of the authority you have to courageously love your child in a way that protects and enriches them. It is an intriguing hour for anyone who serves the education of children and for all else, you will find this podcast an absorbing insight into how your privacy on the net is illusionary. This is such a different in-your-face real world podcast. Most enjoyable and enlightening. 

Bernie Kelly +61 412982444
Brett Lee +61 7 31391181
17. Brett Lee - A Pioneer in Internet Safety Education and a Love that Protects!
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