19. John Godwin - Their Cry for Help is a Cry for LOVE

Loving self is all about identifying and living your values.
John Godwin uses the word 'Sainthood' freely. It is not necessarily a religious reference nor is it a pathway. John describes it as a state or essence that exists in all of us.  Even in his own life, he acknowledges those times where it was so easy to be distracted by the values of society and play the 'success' game. Fortunately for John and for thousands of people, mostly in their teens, John's call to serve and add value was never too far away. It has bubbled within him, all of his life.

When business colleagues betrayed his trust, John and his family were forced to relinquish their family home. Cast into doubt and uncertainty, John turned to the only thing that he knew was unshakeable ... his core values. Rather than dwell upon the pain of shame that he felt for letting down his loved ones, John chose to slowly rebuild his life without compromise for his innate call to love, create joy and add value through service to others. We are all so lucky that he did!

Thousands of those that society deem 'disadvantaged or struggling' change their lives through his 8 lesson terms offered in his incredible Inspiring Brighter Futures program.

Perhaps his greater achievement in this exceptional coaching experience is his ability to attract MENTORS ... one for every participant. At times there may be 300 participants with each of them having their own private mentor ... 300 participants ... 300 mentors. Doctors, Teachers, National Sports Heroes, Tradespeople, Mums and Dads they all want to contribute time and guidance. This is a testimony not just to the impact of the program, but to their appreciation of the values and character that define John Godwin.

This podcast is loaded with gems. John knows the pathway to creating inner happiness. He sees it clearly and he lives it daily. Like most of you who listen to this podcast, he sees it as his journey, smiling to himself when he occasionally catches himself straying from his joy of serving.  John Godwin has a lot to teach everyone.

Bernie K +61412982444
John Godwin +61411470205
19. John Godwin - Their Cry for Help is a Cry for LOVE
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