2. Ian Skippen - Voice of Breakfast Radio is all JOY

Greater Joy and Happiness ... Put 'Skip' in your Step ... Celebrate Life.
When I tell people I interviewed Ian Skippen on A JOURNEY WITH BERNIE, the standard response is “Well that would have been fun!” I know of no-one who enjoys and embraces life like Ian Skippen. He never takes himself seriously! He is joy personified. What is interesting is that his laughter is never at anyone’s expense. His happiness is something he simply shares with others. 

Whether he is prepared to admit or not, Ian was the voice of breakfast radio here in Queensland for 30 years. Everyone knows ‘Skip’.
Yet his journey to becoming so joyous involves routine, habits and perspectives that are not common to all. In this podcast, he shares his daily strategies, actions and unique ways of seeing life that culminate in a daily celebration. That’s what makes this episode so unique. Today, laugh along with Ian Skippen and in the process learn how to find greater happiness in this beautiful game of life.

2. Ian Skippen - Voice of Breakfast Radio is all JOY
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