21. Ravi GC - His DIVINE CONNECTION Brings POWER to Developing Communities

He is 35 and his DIVINE CONNECTION attracts world-wide sponsors and volunteers, whose servitude gift Solar Electricity Grids to rural villages of Nepal.
I was having breakfast at Kathmandu Guest House in Nepal when I noticed this young Nepalese man being warmly greeted by a large group of International Travellers. Ravi GC was loved by all of them. This is understandable, when you consider that Ravi had just led them all to a remote location in Western Nepal, where under the expert leadership of enthusiastic technicians, the group was able to assemble 'a Solar grid' and deliver electricity for the very first time to village residents. Can you imagine the moment when they turned on the switch and the light bulb glowed for the first time?

Light in the home. Children being able to study and do homework.

Laptops turned 'on' for the first time.

Water pumps were able to bring water from nearby sources to the village center.

Building tools could be powered to create additional housing.

Agricultural machinery operating efficiently to harvest crops.

The benefits were enormous. This video will explain. 

What is even more amazing is that Ravi GC at just 35 years of age has inspired this outcome in 84 different villages.
The question this podcast asks Ravi is 'Why'?

Afterall, he has an Electrical Engineering Degree. Ravi could build a mighty professional career in this Himalayan powered country. Demand for his skill and knowledge would be enormous. Why choose such a charitable community existence, the remuneration of which would be a third of his financial capability? 

Welcome to this incredible story of a young man, whose servitude and love for people is not comprisable. 
Be aware, this episode is likely to make you re-evaluate!

Bernie K +61 412982444
Ravi GC +977 982 5195465
21. Ravi GC - His DIVINE CONNECTION Brings POWER to Developing Communities
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