24. Dr Manoj and Dr Thorang - Saved Nepalese Lives during COVID with care, respect and shared oxygen!

The illness of an Australian trekker introduced us to a remarkable medical ethos of treating patients as if they were family, including them in the diagnosis and a wholistic approach to well-being.
When one of our Australian trekkers to Everest Base Camp woke up with symptoms of Pulmonary Oedema on Day 6, then only one response was possible ... EVACUATE! It was so essential to get our patient to the right hospital ASAP. A helicopter was rung immediately.
Inadvertently, we chose incredibly well! ERA International Hospital ... www.era-hospital.com ...  was not a beautiful choice, because it specialises in Altitude Related Conditions, nor was it the right one because its focus is predominantly on assisting international visitors. It was the right one, because Dr Manoj, Dr Thorang and their staff have created an extraordinary team philosophy of relationship centered medicine.

It is an approach in which the patient assists the Doctors in their diagnosis. These Doctors prefer to trust the powerful instinct of their ill guests. They listen to them. Their approach is driven by respect and relationship building. It is an approach in which they see a member of their own family in every patient. It is an approach in which the treatment of the patient considers a wholistic approach. Even the financial worries of the patient might be addressed to alleviate stresses. In their mission as Doctors, it is clear that love for all people comes first.

Observers would say that it was this approach that enabled both Doctors to thrive as physicians in Covid ravaged Nepal. Their hospital was adding 30-50 mattress beds per day. Tents were erected just to create more beds. Oxygen bottles were shared just to keep the growing numbers alive, but through it all patients praised the loving commitment and dedication they experienced from these two wonderful practitioners of medicine.

This is an episode in which one's profession has become an extension of their life, or is it the other way round? 
Has one's career set the platform to become a true lover of life and humanity. 

Gee you will enjoy this episode. 

It makes you think what could be possible in the medical profession and indeed in all service industries.

Dr Manoj Kumar Yadav +977 9851173173 
Dr Thorang Katchen +977 9862284761
Bernie Kelly +61 412982444
24. Dr Manoj and Dr Thorang - Saved Nepalese Lives during COVID with care, respect and shared oxygen!
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