25. Cancer Took His Body, but His Spirit Speaks Louder Now - A Tribute to Joel Staite (Episode 8)

Life is IMPERMANENT. There is no guarantee we will even wake up tomorrow! Joel teaches you how to MAXIMISE LIFE TODAY!
Collecting Duct Carcinoma invaded Joel's body some 6 years ago. This rare kidney cancer affecting only 50-60 people globally finally won the battle. Joel Staite passed away on October 8.
When first diagnosed, Joel's life span was confined to that year, but what was to become a pattern, Joel found a way. He found a way to live. He found a pathway that enabled him to maximise life for another 5 years and understanding that journey is one of his outstanding legacies. There was no victim here. No 'poor me'. In fact, it was he who said, "I am almost thankful to cancer for showing me how to live".
Who says that?
Only a soul that has discovered greater riches sees that possibility. Joel Staite was such a soul.

When anyone asks me what A JOURNEY WITH BERNIE is about, I simply reply 'Listen to EPISODE 8' ... https://open.spotify.com/episode/0JfiWEs8wTajRfQxwwYSxn?si=08bd0ea825db4958

It was always 'MY GO TO' Episode. It was the episode that announced a pathway showing ALL of us how to become a more loving human being, how to inspire greater inner happiness from within, and how to add greater meaning to our humble lives. Joel Staite discovered that pathway and he shared it with us by the way he lived. 

However, his greatest gift is to remind us that 'we need not wait for death to tap us on the shoulderto choose a richer, fuller life now'. If Joel was speaking to you in this moment, he would simply say, 'Recognise NOW that your life is always impermanent and that there is no guarantee you will wake up breathing tomorrow. Therefore, DON'T WAIT!! The fullness of life is available right now'.  In Episode 8 and in this tribute, Joel even explains how to travel that pathway. He speaks of mediation, veganism, learning and adventure components that collectively create an environment in which most will flourish.
I am so pleased that you have chosen to listen to this episode, because I believe that through it, you will hear a multitude of questions about your own existence. These are appropriate questions from a young man whose circumstances helped him to discover greater life ... and then he lived it and thankfully for us, he shared it. For that, we are so grateful.

A JOURNEY WITH BERNIE extends our love and blessings to Joel’s wife, Kieren, and his parents Cathy and Keith, and his brothers Kyle and Jaye and to all those who embraced the life and values of this wonderful human being. We were blessed.
25. Cancer Took His Body, but His Spirit Speaks Louder Now - A Tribute to Joel Staite (Episode 8)
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