27. Keith Clark - When to Question a Million Dollar Contract!

His clients are Hollywood Celebrities and some of America's top Attorneys. Their court cases have millions of dollars at stake, yet values integrity and a higher commitment of respect for all stakeholders should not be compromised.
How is it that I can visit Tokyo and visit Starbuck's for an early morning 'Latte on Oat Milk' and finish up 48 hours later podcasting the guy that sits behind me! Well, that's the incredible experience I had with Keith Clark, Chief Executive Officer of Jury Analyst, and wait until you hear exactly what that entails. His clients are potentially the 'Who's Who' of Hollywood and America's legal fraternity. These are clients, who often find themselves surrounded by court room sagas with millions at stake. For the attorney, having a jury who they know are receptive to the details of the case is essential. This is where Keith's business plays a vital role. Jury Analyst is able to provide a profile of the type of juror most likely to absorb and understand the way the attorney frames the case. Sometimes Keith's profile data can decide whether Person A gets the nod for Jury Duty or whether the case would be better served by Person D. The implications could be the difference between winning the 8 figure settlement or paying the costs!!

Of course, my interest was to discover whether Keith's data and profiling tools could perhaps also recognise the characteristics of an ecstatic person filled with the joy of life and love for people. The discussion that unfolded was at times riveting. Couple this exploration with Keith's profound personal journey and we have an episode that is full of riches. Wait until you hear about how these profiling tools have been used to shape political elections! Naturally enough, such discussions also inspired open dialogue around the need for greater ethical standards and values-driven behaviours, not just in legal and political arenas, but in all industry.

Our shared truth was distorted, when we referred to the Hollywood Classic 12 ANGRY MEN starring Henry Ford or Gregory Peck. Apologies to Henry Fonda for our glaring error, but Keith and I certainly got it right when recommending you read 'Think and Grow Rich' by Naploean Hill or Karma Book by Sadhguru: A Yogi’s Guide to Crafting Your Destiny. The latter is by far the most enlightening book I have read in 2022. Of course, you must have a listen to Keith's Podcast called Get in the Game Podcast from Jury Analyst on Stitcher. It is a wonderful insight into the Journey for Justice.
27. Keith Clark - When to Question a Million Dollar Contract!
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