28. Keith Staite Lost His Son 6 Weeks Ago - His GRIEF is LOVE Turned Inside Out and Upside Down

A grieving Father shares his learnings and lessons from his son, who diagnosed with a rare cancer, lived with life and death so profoundly intertwined on a daily basis for the last 6 years. Joel's body died some weeks ago. His spirit is very much alive through his Dad.
Six months ago, I attended a fundraising breakfast. The guest speaker was Joel Staite, a 37 year old cyclist, triathlete, lover of life, beautifully aware man, who had a rare 'supposedly' incurable cancer that invades only 50 to 60 people globally per year. I say 'supposedly' because in years to come, prevention and cure will become available. It is the way of our world.

I introduced myself to Joel and told him of the loving objectives of A JOURNEY WITH BERNIE. Somehow through that humble first connection, Joel agreed to become Episode 8. It became a MUST listen, because Joel's scenario was both unique to us and yet it was common. He reminded us that every day, we forget that we are dying as well as living. It is because we forget we are dying, we do not become aware of TRULY LIVING. He was far more aware, because death for him was imminent. His awareness led him to actions and strategies that created 5 more years of LIFE. How powerful!

However, the disease was always present within him and when it finally had a chance to act without medicine getting in the way, it did so quickly. Joel's body died 6 weeks ago.  I learnt of his passing while I was in Nepal with 15 friends and business associates ascending the Himalaya's highest trekkable peak, Mount Mera. The news rocked me, because I didn't want his message and legacy to be lost. Almost immediately, I made a private decision to play a role in keeping it alive. Episode 25 became a tribute podcast to what Joel taught us. His work boss, manager and friend, Damian Vescovi helped us to absorb and comprehend Joel's gift of acute awareness. There was risk in this podcast. The risk was that my ego, my want to educate and create value for you, the listener, would not be empathetic enough to respect the grieving state of Joel's family and loved ones. Would this tribute episode meet with their favour?

Would it represent and reflect Joel accurately?

I backed my own loving spirit and instinct.

Then came this text message from a man I had not met...

Hi Bernie, my name is Keith Staite (father of Joel). I finally found the courage to listen to your tribute podcast last night and just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the kind words you expressed about him. He truly is the real deal and I only hope many more people try to live his legacy of loving kindness. The world will be a better place if so. Thanks again, Keith Staite

I was floored.  Somehow the spirit of love, awareness, life and empathy ... the spirit of Joel ... was now flowing between 'supposed' strangers. In truth, Keith's text seeded me with the idea of podcasting him, but it just didn't feel right to ask ... until now. What you are about to hear is so unique, on so many different dimensions that I can scarcely believe the privilege. Think for a moment, how did this set of circumstances even arise?

Why did it arrive at a time where I was launching a podcast about the fabric of love?

The connectedness of it all blows my mind.

Consider what you are about to hear? ... You will hear the raw heartbeat of a man who only weeks ago lost his boy.

You and I are honored to hear from Keith Staite who shares grief, love and meaning through his experience of life and death so inexplicably intertwined at this time.

I don't know what to say any more, except you would be sadly missing an opportunity if you did not listen to this episode with Keith Staite. I also feel that not to share it with relevant others in your life, might be their opportunity lost.

Thank you Keith ... such courage is rare. 

Such vulnerability is extraordinary. 

Such depth and profound wisdom is the gift of Joel and now you. 

We are honoured.

Bernie +61412982444
28. Keith Staite Lost His Son 6 Weeks Ago - His GRIEF is LOVE Turned Inside Out and Upside Down
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