3. Tony Groom - Nature is our HOME !

Personal Freedom and the Power of Nature
Tony Groom is 83 years of age and yet he is still riding 30 plus klms per day, taking groups for 75 klm walking hikes and a member of The Queensland Choir. Recently, I went to see his choir deliver an inspirational rendition of Hanzel’s ‘Messiah’. It was sensational. Tony is sensational.

It was his Father, Arthur Groom, who along with Romeo Lahey inspired the hinterland mountain lodge known as Binna Burra. Had it not been for these two gentlemen, we may not have a World Heritage Lamington National Park today. They founded it. Poor management nearly destroyed it. Tony rescued it by giving people a variety of ways to access and embrace the power of nature. Creative Art Experiences, Gardening Week, the Binna Burra Senses Trail for visually handicapped, Photography Week, and Running High events were inspired by his 1973 Churchill Fellowship that gave him a 4 months study of National Parks in North America. Bear in mind prior to that he also spent 13 months with just 26 people at the Weather Observatory in Wilkes Base Antarctica. May I just add, he has also run 5 marathons. Then man knows how to live life fully!

He went one step further and gave the world a phenomenal travel organisation called interNATIONAL PARKtours.  Formed in 1975, interNATIONAL PARKtours offers life changing experiences to National Parks of 67 countries. Visit their website and be enthralled. Go on a tour with them and be enhanced … Walking Holidays | International Park Tours | Guided Walking Vacations

Through all of his wonderful creations, there was one private hurdle that continued to suffocate his spirit. He was gay and the growing awareness that Tony was living a lie in his marriage relationship with his wonderful wife Connie impacted his spirit. Privately, Tony and Connie dealt with the dilemma. After Connie passed, Tony finally came out publicly on the occasion of his 75th birthday. He describes the occasion as FREEDOM. You should hear what he had to say about this moment in this podcast. It is penetrating. Listen to this episode and you will hear …

  • How arrogant we as human beings have become about Nature.
  • Why Nature is our true HOME.
  • Know that you cannot live fully and live a lie with self
  • True freedom is when you have the courage to be truly authentic.

Tony Groom is one of life’s treasures and after hearing of his story in this second episode of A JOURNEY WITH BERNIE, you will know why.

3. Tony Groom - Nature is our HOME !
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