35. How Ines Hemmings, the Architect from Austria chose blessed pathway to become 'Ines Happiness'.

Up until her late 20's, Ines Hemmings could have been the girl next door. Her life was the conventional script of the playful child, studious secondary schooler, good marks, opening up pathway to University degree to become the money earning professional, blessed with the love of her life. 

All the success signs were there, except for the little voice inside that kept on suggesting there had to be more! As with most great transformations (and believe me dear readers this is a great transformation), a tumultuous chaotic event becomes the trigger for change and a new pathway. Quite simply, the events of her 27th birthday will now be celebrated as the day she began her liberation and her thirst for wisdom. 

Now in her early 30's, the girl from Austria lives a humble, slower, peaceful life blessed with an inner calm and a loving environment of which others would envy. Just listen to the 3 opening excerpts and you will realize that this young lady's being has been touched with profound learnings. She simply SEES more now and consequently she can BE more ... so so enjoyable is this 35th episode of A JOURNEY WITH BERNIE.

Bernie K +61 412982444
Ines Hemmings +61 481775373
35. How Ines Hemmings, the Architect from Austria chose blessed pathway to become 'Ines Happiness'.
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