36. Chad Foreman ... He wanted to be Wimbledon Champ and instead Chad became a Tibetan Monk.

I am an advocate of master life coach, Sadhguru. When this spiritually aware teacher from India talks of our possibilities, he demonstrates a unique skill to simplify the complex into language and images that can be absorbed by all. Chad Foreman is the only other person I know with that same brilliant skill!

Chad's personal journey is a story of a young hungry competitive sportsperson, who played top class tennis driven to becoming one of the best. The torturous mind game of Tennis, demanded he search for mental strategies techniques that would focus the mind, control the emotions and consequently enhance his game. He found meditation so useful, that it attracted him to discover a new way of life. He became a Buddhist Monk instead. For 6 years, Chad lived in an isolated retreat hut in a Tibetan Buddhist community.

Today, Chad is the principal of The Way of Meditation, a beautiful service that helps people see their lives more clearly and move them towards a state of greater calm, peace and love. Chad does this superbly. Chad is aware. He is awakened. In this podcast, you will hear of so many concepts, most of which will have never occurred to you. He will say things which make perfect sense and you will wonder why, you had never seen this before. That is Chad's gift. Please enjoy this taste of rare awareness, unique insights and an ability to see things so clearly.

Bernie Kelly+61412982444
Chad Foreman +61404136077
Chenrezig Institute - A Tibetan Buddhist Retreat Centre +61 7 54532108
Recommended Reading: Timothy Galway's The Inner Game of Tennis
36. Chad Foreman ... He wanted to be Wimbledon Champ and instead Chad became a Tibetan Monk.
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