37. A Chapter with Chip - Why 26 Guests Suggest we UNLEARN!

It's been 26 Episodes since A JOURNEY with BERNIE seeked and searched for overlapping themes and suggestions from our wide range of guests, who emanate from such different backgrounds and life stories. Yet, despite their obvious differences, they offer messages that regularly surface and call for our consideration, if we want to move towards becoming a more loving human being.
We call these summarizing episodes, A CHAPTER WITH CHIP, in honor of the extraordinary volunteer work done for this podcast by Lachlan Huddy otherwise known as CHIP. He is our Steven Spielberg, our editor and producer. He is the reason you can enjoy a punchier and more complete professional download each and every week. The entertaining CHIP will join me in the studio on these summarizing occasions to make sure we capture the highlights which will reinforce the strongest suggestions offered to you by our wonderful guests.

In this episode we identify, WHAT ARE THE COMMON THEMES that help us to love more broadly and generate greater inner happiness, before we focus on the subject of UNLEARNING first introduced to A JOURNEY WITH BERNIE by the beautiful Bella Cameron in Episode 18.

Are we buying into a conditioning pathway that Morrie Schwarz (from Tuesdays With Morrie) suggested is merely Society's Culture. Yuval Noah Harari in his incredible book SAPIENS states that society's paradigm for success is really nothing more than a product of the evolutionary mind and is no formula for sustainable happiness. Many of our previous guests hint that we must UNLEARN. Listen to their comments. We must modify our commitment to the traditional societal way of living life. There is another way and it starts with recognising the need to UNLEARN.

This episode is potent. Enjoy!

Bernie Kelly +61 412982444
Lachlan 'Chip' Huddy +61 410603336
37. A Chapter with Chip - Why 26 Guests Suggest we UNLEARN!
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