39. Sailing the World through Covid, They Discovered Much More Than the Pacific Ocean

Florian calls it a 'Chance Encounter'. A Journey With Bernie calls it 'finding the perfect wind'. It was such good fortune when I turned to the guy standing beside me and simply asked 'how his day was unfolding'. When he stated that he was in Brisbane for boat repairs, curiosity revealed that Florian Grassl and Vicky Weichsler, a husband-and-wife team from Austria had been sailing the oceans from the moment Covid became a pandemic.

Immediately, questions arose ... What is the effect on one when it's just you, a boat, a sail and nothing but ocean?

Does it calm you? Is it meditative?

What is the effect on two people's relationship when couped in limited space for weeks on end?

Does it make you talk about 'stuff' that you'd normally avoid?

Does it inspire greater listening, empathy and understanding?

What do you see when it's just you, an ocean horizon and an exquisite sunset?

Do you feel 'God'?

What happens to your spirit when you remove yourself from the pace of society and its 'success' culture?

How did the powerful force of marine nature impact you?

Question after question arose, and while we may not have answered all of those questions in this one-hour adventure story, there are so many gems inspired by this incredible tale, that profound awareness is assured.

The learning on offer from Florian Grassl and Vicki Weichsler need not stop with this podcast, as their blog continues to offer ongoing blessings for all who follow their story.

Perhaps as a final thought, listeners should take note of the joy and opportunity that is all around you. Next time you are lining up for an evening beverage, just say 'hello' to the person beside you. You may finish up learning a truckload ... or a boatful! Enjoy the journey and forgive Bernie's singing at start and finish of the podcast with sincere apologies to Rod Stewart.

Bernie K +61 412982444
39. Sailing the World through Covid, They Discovered Much More Than the Pacific Ocean
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