41. Mitch Mills - Australian Teacher of the Year Nominee Preparing Children for Life

For 30 years, I have asked teachers around the world the same question ... "Does Education prepare our children for Life?" My instinct says that 90% have shaken their heads with disappointment, claiming that red tape, curriculum pressures and confused vision from government defined leadership, have distracted teachers from the very heart of what they believe is the ultimate purpose of education. They agree with the voice of Chad Foreman who in Episode 36 suggested that education prepares students for an economy, not for a life of love and happiness.

In this extraordinary exploration of educational possibilities, Australian Teacher of the Year Nominee, Mitch Mills, with the full support of his school's administration opposes the trend. His increasingly popular 'Changing Lanes' program fosters potent, solid friendships across the entire cohort that last well beyond their school years. He leads processes and experiences that create comfort around openness, vulnerability, authenticity and strong connectedness. Mitch helps his students to feel the power of 'REAL' and in so doing creates bonds that support each other for decades.

'Changing Lanes' challenges teachers too. Teachers are called to be appropriately vulnerable and REAL as are the students. They must model the behavior. Parents have to be in on the act as well. They too need skills of openness, authentic and loving speech, comfort in providing 'tough love' with teenagers who can innately be silent and closed. Mitch's programme inspires strong supportive communities and in doing so he is offering the student an experience far more meaningful than Calculus and the Periodic Table. He is not blind to the need for curriculum, but he wishes to offer education a new vision, which balances subject-driven learnings with skills and perspectives that bring students happiness and meaning for life. Mitch Mills is a much-needed revolution, coaching our children to find love for self, the beauty of people and the joy of life.

Bernie Kelly +61 412982444
Mitch Mills +61 438880202
41.  Mitch Mills - Australian Teacher of the Year Nominee Preparing Children for Life
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