43. A Chapter With Chip - Love, Happiness and Life through the Eyes of Chip Huddy

He is one of a kind. He is our editor, our producer and now he is the custodian of learning... Our INSIGHT INTERPRETER. From now on, Chip Huddy will host a new segment at the end of each episode of A Journey With Bernie. It's called CHIP'S TAKE HOME PAY and it will be his 4-minute summary of key learnings that will add even more value to your listening and learning experience. As CHIP so beautifully suggests, he will 'springboard you towards seeing key strategies and actions that can move you forward towards becoming that more loving human being'. CHIP is perfect for this new role. He himself is a critical thinker. He wants to teach you on how to become one as well.

Chip is super intelligent and I frequently bow to his unique turn of phrase and his width of vocabulary. Even in this episode, you will hear his colour with phrases like ... 'grief is love persisting' ... It will 'rip your apathy' ... or 'quietening that voice of unworthiness'.
So that you can get to know our wonderfully fun, full of life, co-host this CHAPTER WITH CHIP is about his personal learnings from our most recent episodes. He highlights stories of guests that impacted him greatly. He explains why. More importantly, he shares how lessons from the podcast have taught him on how to be a better man, a better partner and a greater embracer of life.  Chip Huddy is joy personified. You will enjoy this episode immensely and at the end of it you may even want contact details on Chip's private Irish counsellor! Her 'Joey' strategy is a ripper!

Chip Huddy +61 410603336
Bernie Kelly +61 412982444 - bernie.kelly@outlook.com
43. A Chapter With Chip - Love, Happiness and Life through the Eyes of Chip Huddy
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