45. Andrew de Angelis - The Happiest Bouncer in the World!

When Andrew de Angelis asks you to leave his establishment because you're an 'intoxicated nuisance', he buys you a bottle of water and escorts you all the way down the 5 floor elevator, chatting to you about how good it will be to see you back  next week!! He's the only Bouncer I know, who gets a cheeky kiss from the girls when they are leaving. Even the ones he has asked to leave thank him for the evening! Andrew de Angelis is the happiest 'Bouncer' in the World.

I remind you, that this is in an industry, where most security guards think they have to strut their power, remain distant from the customer and chuck you out at first sign of the slightest misbehave. The approach of Andrew de Angelis couldn't be more opposite. He connects with people. During your beautiful evening with friends at THE EMPORIUM ROOFTOP BAR overlooking the city lights and the Brisbane River, Andrew will even come around, pick up your empty dinner plates, share his latest joke or two that is certain to leave you laughing heartily not so much at the quality of his joke, but more at the broadness of his lively British accent. People just love him.

Yet, this happy persona was once a highly regarded British Soldier who served in Bosnia, Northern Ireland and the Iraq War. He knows how power can be so seriously misused. He has seen massive egos create unnecessary conflict. He also knows what it feels like to protect his brothers and sisters in arms. They were his family, until a gang attack in England many years ago took away 70% of his hearing and all of his sense of smell. His professional career in the British Army which he loved so much, was taken from him overnight inspiring bouts of depression, alcoholism and anger. The journey that followed has been a long one but has taken Andrew to a rare place in which he 'sees the good' and 'speaks the good' of everyone he greets at THE EMPORIUM ROOFTOP BAR, South Brisbane every weekend. This is a funny beautiful episode about a soldier overcoming adversity and just 'sucking it up' to become a happy man who walks with joy and spreads goodwill wherever he goes ... And so typical of Andrew is his want to thank the following special people in his life, who have helped him become 'the Happiest Bouncer in the World' ...

Ian Holliman ... a childhood colleague who gave Andrew work when just released from hospital.
Army mates Wilkie and Paula, and then there was Coxie, who was always there for Andrew when needed.
Salute to Trev, who lost a leg in Bosnia. Andrew loved being there for you pal!
'Tru Security' for their belief in a disabled man when he most needed your support.

The Episode makes reference to:

The Love LanguageĀ® Quiz (5lovelanguages.com) - A Quiz and an outstanding Book by Gary Chapman

Andrew de Angelis +61 476 307 065
Bernie Kelly ... +61 412 982 444
'Chip' Lachlan Huddy ... +61 410 603 336
45. Andrew de Angelis - The Happiest Bouncer in the World!
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