48. Episode 18's Bella Cameron Returns With a 12-Month Story of Courage, Love and Transformation

This is a remarkable love story. It is about a young woman discovering how to love herself fueled by ‘love in action’ from her partner Josh and a huge on-line community of followers and consequently renewing her love for life. However, it hasn't always been this way.
Listen to Episode 18 and you will hear of the same Bella Cameron, who just 12 months ago was UNLEARNING from a society and success culture that led her down a pathway with which she could not cope. In fact, it nearly destroyed her. Despite almost being dux of her prominent Qld Private School, Bella ended up bulimic and suffering profound mental health issues. By mid-twenties her life was in disarray.
And then she discovered the 16th century art of CROCHETING. Yes, you heard that rightly dear listeners! Bella found an ancient art that became both her meditation and her passion, which led to her restoration and her becoming the SUPREME WINNER of The 2023 Australian Wearable Art Festival. (Please Google it or www.australianwearableart.com.au) Experienced and expert entries from all around the world were not created by similar passionate hands driven by the enormous love and connection that Bella had for her Babushka … her Ukranian Grandmother. Love created her winning masterpiece. It was Love and Courage that allowed Bella to move so swiftly from a person of flux and confusion to one of clarity, purpose and international success. 

Bella’s last 12 months is a formula for personal transformation that everyone should understand. It involves the beautiful mix of Discovering your Purpose and then liberating the Courage to live it. It involves Resilient Focus that wouldn't give any energy to potential Distractions, a newfound confidence to 'Say NO' and the joy of Finding your People. Put it all together and you have a woman who found her modified existence in a society that once threatened her life.

To understand the fullness of Bella’s incredible journey, first embrace Episode 18. Hear both episodes, one after the other, so you too can be in awe of her journey of love, happiness and meaning. Together, they show us a way to a beautiful and perhaps sustainable place in this game we call ‘Life’. 

Bernie K +61 412982444
Bella Cameron +61 428958944
48. Episode 18's Bella Cameron Returns With a 12-Month Story of Courage, Love and Transformation
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