49. To Chat with Chad (Foreman) is to Realise that John Lennon's 'Imagine' was a True Vision

Revisit Episode 36 with Chad Foreman and you will hear of a super-competitive, ambitious young man with a McEnroe temper who dreamed of being a Wimbledon Champion. To further his game, Chad was introduced to meditative practices that so intrigued him that he eventually changed paths to become a Buddhist Monk. It was that wise Chad, who delivered a single line in Episode 36, that was a paradigm shifter for so many of our listeners ... "love is the fragrance of emptiness". There was so much value in those 6 words, that getting Chad back for this riveting discussion was always going to happen. Of course, once again he has delivered so much more.

In this episode, you will hear Chad explain why he is merely a student of The Way. If this is so, then you are listening to a very aware student ... a very wise one ... a student who sees things so much more simply and clearly then most. Listen to Chad explain 'Why Society is Sick'. Better still, listen to his answers and how you can play a role in re-creating communities built upon Lao Tzu's three greatest treasures ... Peace, Harmony and Compassion. Chad's call for 'Enlightened Companies', whose purpose is the betterment and happiness of society, not the accumulation of profits and riches ... it is so thought provoking. To honour John Lennon, he IMAGINES a school and education system whose main purpose is to inspire students to create new visions for the society into which they will enter. Most of all, Chad Foreman in this episode will awaken you to your beautiful possibilities with simple actions that you could incorporate into your lifestyle in this very moment.

I was so impacted by this Chat with Chad that I have now taken upon myself to host a DAY with CHAD FOREMAN on Sunday Nov 12 here in Buderim, Southeast Qld. It's a full day from 0900 am to 1600 pm catering for 18 persons only, and you are welcome. However, it is first in - first serve. It's a day for us to celebrate the possibilities of life. The cost of $150 will not only supply you with MT and lunch but introduce you to 6 different meditative practices, which collectively will show you a path to your higher true self of Peace, Harmony, Love and Compassion.

Gee, we would love to have you on board. To register your interest please contact or text Bernie Kelly on 0412982444.

In the meantime, Chad suggests you read any of these three books. They are amongst his favorites.

The Joy of Living: Unlocking the Secret and Science of Happiness by Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche
The Happiness Trap: How to Stop Struggling and Start Living by Russ Harris
The Lazy Man's Guide to Enlightenment by Thaddeus Golas

What a journey it has been with Chad Foreman over two episodes and what a contribution he has made to our journey of becoming that more loving, happier human being. Life is beautiful when you make Love your Purpose.

Bernie K +61412982444
Chad Foreman +61404136077
49. To Chat with Chad (Foreman) is to Realise that John Lennon's 'Imagine' was a True Vision
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