52. Neville Stone and Justine Baker - Once They Knew the Children's Story, Their LOVE Fostered All Four of Them

There are two love stories in this episode. First of all, it is the story of two people, one of whom was restricted by her perception of her Father's inadequacies and the other burnt by personal chaos endured as his life unfolded. Together, they found ways to liberate each other from painful pasts and create what is a dedicated, evolving and perhaps extraordinary love. You will learn methods and processes from Neville Stone and Justine Baker that assist any loving partnership to cope, to tolerate and to flourish. Here is an example. They talk of letting go of the need to cling and attach as an act of trust and faith in each other. The want to 'give space' to each other is their gift of love.

However, it is the second love story that makes this episode extraordinary. Inspired by the foundation of love they have for each other, Neville and Justine have chosen to channel their love towards the wellbeing and emotional growth of 4 siblings, who have been scarred by earlier upbringings. Once Neville and Justine knew the story of these 4 children, the opportunity to foster care and raise them to better life was in their words a 'no brainer'. It might be a 'no brainer' for them, but the messages of this single act are profound.

Would you be prepared to let go of all previous well laid plans for your life in order to unwrap this unexpected package of raising 4 children who biologically are not your own?
Would you do so in the belief that life has another pathway for you that will bring you greater gifts?

Would you do so in your 50's or 60's?

The decision, the faith, the commitment is extraordinary. Absolutely amazing!

Like me, I hope you fall in love with the notion that it is impossible to hate, if you thirst to know people's real story. If you know their story and their background, then you understand their behavior rather than judge it. This is an essence of Neville's and Justine's lifestyle. It is a valuable lesson for all.

It is not surprising that their lives have been blessed by such wisdoms, as they both are avid learners, mainly through reading. 
They suggest that these books be 'top shelf' for you ...

The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
Families and How to Survive Them by John Cleese and Robin Skynner
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson
The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin ... Chad Foreman also recommended this one!
The Richest Man in Babylon by George Samuel Clason
The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran - one of my personal favorites!

During the episode a reference was made to the leadership qualities of Mike Brearley, the great English Cricket Captain. For the record, his stats were 39 Tests at a batting average of 22.88, not those estimated by Bernie during the podcast. Apologies to Michael. Mind you Michael, I did have your batting average a little higher so spread the podcast if you want A Journey With Bernie to spread a brighter light on your batsmanship!

One thing is certain, that if you listen intently to this episode and truly hear all of its wonderful messages, you will definitely be improving your batting average in this beautiful game called life. It will teach you how to play with different strokes and to attack the game with greater compassion and love.

P.S. And if by chance you are interested in the pathway of looking after such children of need on a weekend or on a more permanent basis, then Neville or I would welcome your call.

Bernie K +61 412 982 444 - bernie.kelly@outlook.com
Neville Stone +61 417 723 434
52. Neville Stone and Justine Baker - Once They Knew the Children's Story, Their LOVE Fostered All Four of Them
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