54. Marc Nuss Gives 13,500 Reasons to Celebrate DESTINY RESCUE

This episode is one of our very BEST. The background is dark. The primary topic is evil, ignorant and sinister. The victims are children. Yet, the forces that have rescued 13500 children from child exploitation and sex trafficking is one driven by immense LOVE, PURPOSE and relentless COMMITMENT to right this injustice. Open up the website of Destiny Rescue and you will read a remarkable story of Tony Kirwan who overheard a man in Thailand gloating about sex with a child. Picturing children of his own, Tony responded to his immediate calling to create an organisation that would hear the children's voices and free them from atrocious predators. Even more remarkably, 'Destiny Rescue' rehabilitates the children, helps them to see beyond their ordeal and build lives that can add value to their new world.

Telling this story in this podcast is one of their 'faithful servants', the beautiful and the compassionate MARC NUSS. It's not often, I comfortably use words like 'beautiful and compassionate' to describe this strong and solid 'Springbok', but Marc is a rare man. The number of times his stories inspired my eyes to water were too many. You will know when I was choking with emotion when my responses softened to unusually quieter tones. The YouTube visual version of this podcast will be fascinating viewing for you.

Heh, be assured, you too will struggle to hold it back, when you hear stories of '# 43' ... the little girl picked from the line up by a burly European who saw her as nothing more than a product and the young lady whose face shrivelled with fear when she learnt he paid more for the celebratory beer than he did for the beauty of her diminutive body. These are stories that stir unsavoury emotion but awaken your spirit. In reality, Marc's soul was probably already moulded and shaped some years ago, when he watched a man leave the prison gates of Robbin Island to become the first post-apartheid President of a free South Africa. Nelson Mandela influenced Marc's want to make the world a better place. Now that's a pretty good mentor!

Through this 'dare not leave' discussion, you will feel both disgusted and buoyed. You will feel sadness and joy. You will feel delighted that such an organisation led by great people like Marc Nuss exists. You will be inspired by what they as rescuers have learnt about life and people. You will hear that life and purpose are relatives. Even until the day we pass, Marc believes we must be driven by purpose. Victor Frankl and 'Man's Search for Meaning' would agree. You will hear from Marc that our capacity to love has no limits and that by the end of our days, we will come to learn that it really is the only thing that matters.

A Journey With Bernie is very proud to bring you this episode. It certainly makes us feel that the podcast is now entering a new dimension.

We advocate to you that if you are moved by this 64-minute dialogue, that you immediately visit .... www.destinyrescue.org.au ... you will see the DONATE button. It's a no brainer. If you abhor the thought of children being exploited in any way let alone sexually, you simply must donate, which of course is a 'love in action' example that Marc Nuss calls for in this podcast.

Please call Marc 0429 701 729 to show your support and ascertain how you can contribute
Bernie K +61 412 982 444
A Journey With Bernie on Instagram: @berniekelly103

54. Marc Nuss Gives 13,500 Reasons to Celebrate DESTINY RESCUE
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