55. Look What Happens When 3 Coaches Get Together - Sandra and Ralph Gartner

What do you get when 3 successful Business Coaches come together to discuss the way they see the world, life and performance?

You get the magic of Episode 55, a wonderful exploration of inspiring possibilities facilitated by Bernie with Ralph and Sandra Gartner, Founders of Essentia Coaching and Consulting: www.essentiacoaching.com.au

It was always going to be that way when you consider that in Sandra and Ralph, you have a Master Practitioner in Neuro Linguistic Programming, two Graduate Diplomas in Ontological Coaching and Professional Coaching Accreditation from the International Coach Federation. These guys are right up there! It’s no wonder their clients report results and outcomes that blow their minds. Yet for all of their advanced skill and masterful expertise, you the listener are also going to hear of tangible practices, that if applied, can also significantly transform your life into one of greater happiness and sustainable joy.
Be warned, you will be working hard on identifying and clarifying your values. You’ll be challenged to understand what your values look like in everyday behaviours, and you will be asked to ponder the question, “Who would you become, if you lived your values without compromise, on a MOMENTARY basis?” 
Wait until you hear Ralph’s answer !!
It’s clear to Ralph and Sandra that KNOWING and LIVING YOUR VALUES is the gateway to clarifying your PURPOSE and seeing clearly the VISION for your life.

Don’t be surprised if the VALUE of CURIOSITY … being curious and inquisitive about everything, doesn’t sneak into your values set after this podcast. They make a bloody good case for it!
For all of their guidance, I predict that the aspect of this podcast you will enjoy the most are their personal stories that left a bewildered Sandra virtually stranded at the altar and a young Ralph, who stumbled through the early years of his life floundering to find purpose and growth. As we have heard from so many guests, these episodes of pain and confusion have only served them to become who they are today and to shape the wonderful coaching service influencing so many today.
In the spirit of that service and generosity, Ralph and Sandra offer you our treasured listener a free personal coaching session! 
Once you hear their skill and value through this podcast, you will realise that taking up this offer might just be the most proactive, life-enhancing step you could take today. Don’t hold back contact them today …. Book your appointment now!

If, you would like to introduce yourself to them first. That’s easy, simply contact Ralph or Sandra on +61 400 668 300 or email info@essentiacoaching.com.au
Heh, don’t forget Chip and me either. We would love to hear your feedback on our podcast. It would be a joy to talk with you.
Bernie K … +61 412 982 444
Lachlan ‘Chip’ Huddy: +61 410 603 336
55. Look What Happens When 3 Coaches Get Together - Sandra and Ralph Gartner
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