56. John Coutis - Colourful, Offensive and In Your Face...and You Will Be So Thankful!

John Coutis is the most colourful character ever to grace the airwaves of A Journey With Bernie, (mind you JJ in Episode 34 comes a very close second). He uses the F word frequently. He strongly advised me to stop going too DEEP before we had started the podcast and he will tell you the listeners to embrace being offended. 'It builds resilience and creates a thick skin ... get used to it'. This is the way of the inspirational John Coutis. For all of his 'in your face' nuances, it's ever so easy to admire, enjoy and applaud this great Aussie larrakin. Part of the reason why you will do so is because even before he speaks, John's presence will send you a powerful message.

You see, John ‘JC’ Coutis was born with a severe disability that rendered him a double amputee. He lives and moves without legs, yet has developed an unshakeable belief in his self-worth. His confidence is top shelf. Before he even 'let's it rip on you', he reminds you of your immense blessings and infinite possibilities just by meeting him. You can do so on A JOURNEY WITH BERNIE YouTube channel right now.

John learnt about our 'capacity for immense resilience' almost from the moment of his birth. He defied medical opinion by refusing to die. Then as a young boy, he welcomed his Father's advice to be grateful for what he has, not what he doesn't. Fueled by a childhood of love, belief, and discipline, John refused to crumble under his handicap and societal pressure by embracing and maximising life, and that is now his message to all. 'Start living life fully with or without your handicaps. We have all got them!'.

It's little wonder he has become one of the most sought-after inspirational speakers in the country. Hundreds of thousands per year are enthralled by his powerful messages delivered on stages all over the globe from his trusty skateboard. In this episode you hear him for free.

You are fortunate people, but ...

Expect to have a mirror put in front of your face. Take a good look. John would say that is your competitor.

Expect to squirm. That might be because John fearlessly speaks the uncommon truth. It can make people uncomfortable.

Expect to hear stories in which you will feel he is talking about you. He has an uncanny way of knowing what are your handicaps and making you realise them.

If you are parents, be prepared for some powerful truths. You may discover you are a Lawnmower Parent. I hope not, but if you are, John wants you to recognise and change immediately.

Expect to be offended. Embrace it.

This is the way of John Coutis and we are privileged that such a soul exists to hit us over the head and awaken us from our slumber so that we too can appreciate every moment of life irrespective of the fortunes of life. Welcome to one of our best.

John Coutis: Book him for your next function at www.johncoutis.com
Ph: +61 438 340 869
Bernie Kelly: +61 412 982 444

Chip's Recommended Resources

The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark, by Carl Sagan


"Calling Bullshit in the Age of Big Data" Video Series
56. John Coutis - Colourful, Offensive and In Your Face...and You Will Be So Thankful!
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