57. Donna-Leigh Perfect Witnessed Her Mother’s Murder. Now it generates LIFE!

Incredibly, Donna-Leigh Perfect is a profound advocate of GRATEFULNESS. In the lead up to this podcast, I asked Donna-Leigh 'For what are you grateful in your life NOW', she simply inferred, 'I am grateful for the adventure of life. I wake up every morning not knowing what might unfold in any one day ... not knowing how life might tease me in the next 24 hours ... This makes life exciting ... a beautiful engrossing adventure.'

This means that her fear of what life has in store is greatly diluted. She is ready to embrace whatever. It also means that she can live so easily in the moment, not needing for life to change, even when the moment challenges her.
Donna-Leigh has learnt how to maximise every day. What is truly remarkable is that she has come to see life this way in spite of life dealing her the toughest of cards.

Donna-Leigh was just seven years old when she witnessed her father drive a knife into the body of her mother. Minutes later, she watched her father being driven away in the back of a police car arrested for her mother's murder. She and her twin then became separated from her 3 siblings and over the next 5 years she endured torment and abuse in 13 different foster homes. She felt worthless, unloved, abandoned and alone. Circumstances gave her the opportunity to re-join her Father and her siblings in the same home where the murder took place 6 years earlier. It was mayhem, living with a schizophrenic, tortured, alcoholic soul. Donna-Leigh was at his bedside when her Father passed away from alcohol induced health issues. All of these experiences culminated in one momentous night where Donna-Leigh faced with mounting drug dependency, simply asked herself, 'Do I want to live'?  She rang Lifeline.

In her own beautiful words, what rescued Donna-Leigh was the realisation that her traumatic childhood experiences HAPPENED TO HER NOT BECAUSE OF HER. It was a simple recognition that the events of her life did not need to define her. In fact, the meaning of her past experiences could be reframed to create greater purpose and greater life. Donna-Leigh became a Lifeline Suicide Prevention Counsellor, where she actively played a role in transforming the lives of the abused, the lonely and the traumatized.

In reality, her life as a Counsellor, still exists today, but in a slightly different form. She is a world class keynote speaker. Her unique P.E.A.C.E tools and her Resilient Rockstar stage show are opening up the eyes of children and adults alike to recognise ways of handling bullying and resilience. Her children's books are a pleasure, a delight and profound life guidance for all who embrace them. Quite simply, Donna-Leigh's coaching should be a must in every school.

Home - Donna-Leigh Perfect

Please call her to enquire of her life enhancing programmes: +61 412 403 051.

Recent episodes have truly blessed us with incredible stories and learnings. This one is top shelf. It was impossible to edit and sharpen, simply because all that was shared must be heard to fully understand the power of Donna-Leigh's wisdom. Prepare yourself for a remarkable podcast journey and one of our very best.

To purchase her books go to: Rescue Dog - Adventures of Jessie and Rocky Rockstar (donna-leighperfect.com)
To email Donna-Leigh use donna-leigh@donna-leighperfect.com
To contact Bernie re Nepal, Donna-Leigh and a tribe of various opportunities call +61 412 982 444
57. Donna-Leigh Perfect Witnessed Her Mother’s Murder. Now it generates LIFE!
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