58. Best of '23 and THE BIG ANNOUNCEMENT for '24 … Bernie and Chip

Dear Listeners, 

As we approach the end of 2023, Chip and I have nothing but thanks and gratitude to you, our listeners, for taking this Podcast to another realm. Thousands of listeners per week, SUBSCRIPTIONS and FOLLOWSHIP  increasing substantially, now YouTube visual … https://youtube.com/@AJourneyWithBernie?si=NduAt9X-g3D5rIlM … and 52 countries around the globe are embracing their Friday episode of A JOURNEY WITH BERNIE. We are so appreciative to an incredible array of guests whose stories and wisdoms have just elevated our podcast to this global audience. 
Do tell … do you have a favorite? 
Please hop on YouTube or Spotify and tell us which episode most resonated with you and why? 
This year, you have given us an incredible foundation for 2024, where we will seek to multiply our impact to a truly world class podcast.

The impact of ‘Chip’ Huddy’s weekly LOADED QUESTIONS  and TAKE HOME PAY segments have made this Podcast so valuably different. It therefore won’t surprise you that in 2024 the branding will recognise Chip’s significant contributions to come. In 2024, you will be welcomed to A JOURNEY WITH Bernie … and CHIP!! 

Your feedback also tells us that we are offering you so much more than just a Podcast. In your words, we are offering a lifestyle … a way of life … and as such, we will invite you to join us in exploring possibilities beyond the podcast towards generating sustainable inner happiness, a greater capacity to love and consequently more meaning in our humble lives. The launch of the 2024 website will guide you toward events, activities, challenges, books, retreats etc., that can add substantial value to your life journey. In addition, those who want more will receive more by becoming a member of A JOURNEY WITH BERNIE … and CHIP VIP Club. I think we will come up with a better name soon!!  
In this episode, Chip and I elaborate on what all of this will look like for you in 2024 … You are in for a treat this episode. Enjoy our excitement! 

PLUS in this discussion we share our highlights of the last three months which have featured some outstanding interviews with some remarkable people. Absorb these excerpt highlights in this episode for they certainly show the way towards a richer, confident and more precious life. 

As Chip said in the podcast, “You complete the circle for us. You bring greater energy and purpose to what we are doing. Your engagement makes it just so exciting.”

Thank you once again dear listeners. Have a blessed and peaceful Christmas, whether you are a Christian believer or not. Embrace your families and grab this festive opportunity to spread the love, which we give to you. 

One more episode in 2023, then 2024 launches a whole new era!  

PS Apologies to fight fans … Muhammed Ali knocked out Sonny Liston with the so called ‘Phantom Punch’, not Floyd Patterson. Bernie got a bit excited there !! 
58. Best of '23 and THE BIG ANNOUNCEMENT for '24 … Bernie and Chip
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