59. Brittany Rojas ... A Vipassana Journey from Traumatic Childhood to Hope on the Camino

I travelled to Kathmandu, Nepal last December to trek the incredible Langtang Valley. If you have ever seen the Netflix documentary called 'AFTERSHOCK', you would know this region's incredible story during and following the Earthquakes of 2015 ... Watch Aftershock: Everest and the Nepal Earthquake | Netflix Official Site. I also had another mission ... to participate for the third time in the 10-day silent meditation retreat known globally as VIPASSANA ... Vipassana Meditation (dhamma.org). Supposedly, it is the process used by Siddhartha Gautama to find 'enlightenment' and consequently become the spiritual leader we all know as 'Buddha'. Two hundred participants wondered as I did. Would the ambience and the potency of this VIPASSANA programme be different than other global centers, given that the programme was being delivered in the birth country of 'Lord Buddha' himself. We were not disappointed. The experience was, if you will excuse the pun ... mind-freeing. For Brittany Rojas from Miami, Florida, a Flight Attendant with American Airlines Business Class Operations, it was transformational. This podcast explains how.

If there is one thing that A JOURNEY WITH BERNIE ... and CHIP has come to know in its first 50 plus episodes is that life seems to delight in inflicting a traumatic challenge upon all at some stage of their years on this Earth. In Brittany's case, life has possibly been unfair. It has overworked this young lady beyond reason. Her story will be deemed as shocking by some but listen intently and you will quickly move past the tears to periods of joy and celebration, as you hear of Brittany's courage, her fight and her ardent commitment to maximise her life regardless of past chaos. Prepare for an extraordinary story right up there with our very very best. You will probably cry with Brittany, but you will also feel her hope. You will enjoy her too. Brittany is full of life and has some strong advices for everyone, including our politicians and national leaders. It makes sense too! The Camino of Spain has been a contributor to Brittany's redemption and she thinks it should be a prepatory ground for true leadership. You will learn how this VIPASSANA experience is already reshaping her view of her life. She is now seeing that the potent pain of her life to date is just part of her journey ... nothing more ... nothing less. She is thankful for the notion of IMPERMANENCE so crucial to being able to release herself from suffering and being grateful for her many gifts. Be prepared to be inspired. Be prepared to shed a tear. Be prepared to be awakened for this next hour will certainly enrich your life.

Brittany Rojas INSTAGRAM: brittany.bianca
Bernie K INSTAGRAM: berniekelly103   M: +61 412 982 444      E: bernie.kelly@outlook.com 
'Chip' Lachlan Huddy M: +61 410 603 336
59. Brittany Rojas ... A Vipassana Journey from Traumatic Childhood to Hope on the Camino
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