60. Louise Bennet - How do you have Cancer, yet love it ??

It's not very often that you meet AN ANGEL OF JOY. We're talking of someone who may be divinely blessed. One thing is certain. Louise Bennet is a rare human being. As you listen to this episode, you will find it hard to believe how this single mother of the gorgeous 4-year-old Evie could be so joyous, so sustainably happy and so accepting of the vagrancies of life. Louise Bennet is the fullness of life personified, and it is not a brave fascade. It is her discovery ... her mindful and purposeful response to sexual trauma between the age of 11 and 13, the demise of a marriage, the 'consequential' diagnosis of breast cancer and the recent surgical loss of her right breast. We say 'consequential' because Louise is adamant that THE BODY KEEPS THE SCORE. Not only does she strongly advocate the book ... The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma: van der Kolk M.D., Bessel: 9780143127741: Amazon.com: Books ... she knows from personal experience that hanging onto past traumas has manifested itself in cancerous ways. What's more, she is happy about it!! With full belief that other chapters of her life are ahead, Louise feels blessed that her current situation has embedded a lifestyle that fosters inner joy, greater confidence, and a powerful connection with what Louise calls 'Source'. Others might call it Spirit, God, Essence, Force etc. To Louise it doesn't matter what one calls it, the challenge for all of our lives is to be 'the spirit' that lives inside each and every one of us. Having discovered this pathway, it seems difficult for Louise to consider anything else as more important, other than becoming the most loving human being she can possible be and to be that love as mother to Evie. But the most remarkable outcome of all is that Louise is succeeding in her mission. Just listen to this podcast ... watch the excerpts and educational segments on YouTube ... and you too will be in awe of this ANGEL OF JOY.

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60. Louise Bennet - How do you have Cancer, yet love it ??
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