68. At 42 years, society declared me BLIND and I am glad they did - the Narelle Gatti Story

The learning and the offerings from this episode with Narelle Gatti start with her rural upbringing. Listen to Narelle and you will hear over and over again a recurring theme that simply says ‘toughen up sister … shit happens … and move on’. It is the country way. 
However, one would have thought that when an individual at the age of 42, is officially declared so 'visually impaired' that all she can see are blurred shadowy movements, that they would experience ‘loss’, a little bit of ‘why me’ and have that tinge of feeling sorry for oneself. I am sure that to some extent Narelle must have had her moments, but no one would know it from the energetic, fully alive approach, that is this woman’s everyday demeanor. This mother of three ‘kicks ass’ and as per her farming heritage, she accepts the challenge and nothing is going to stop her from experiencing the fullness of life. Consequently, she, with her family, her beautiful guide dog and her cane, leave for Europe very soon.
The messages of this episode are clear … 
It’s not what happens to you that determines the quality of your life, it is how you respond and move forward.
It doesn’t matter the circumstance, your integrity is uncompromisable.
If you want to help disabled or marginalised persons, don’t assume ‘they can’t … they can and most, want you to foster their independence.
If you want understand more about LOVE, than study Narelle’s Guide Dog! It is a relationship about ‘being there for each other’, built on total trust and celebrated joy. Three ingredients which Narelle suggests probably has a place in all human relationships as well! Welcome to the profound story of Narelle Gatti ... a blind lady who maximises what IS, not what she doesn't have. What an inspiration!

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68. At 42 years, society declared me BLIND and I am glad they did - the Narelle Gatti Story
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