7. John Slattery - Service Is Not A Dirty Word... It's a Pathway to Happiness!

When you serve and delight others, you also light the happiness lamp inside of you. Seek the good in people and celebrate it with them.
Don’t Google the name. You are not likely to find it, yet in my eyes this man is a rare, uncommon, everyday saint. It’s not because of great organisations he has built or millions of people he has impacted, it is because of his way of life that serves everyday people on a daily basis. I watched John Slattery for years give his time and energy to thousands of young people who were just searching for a listening ear. He gave it to them willingly, joyfully and with wisdom. He was  instrumental in laying down the cultural and spiritual foundation of The Australian Youth Development Programme, now known as yLEAD

His early presence and way of engaging with youth still resonates today. Now at the age of 70, he simply drives a bus for the elderly who relish his morning joy as he transfers them to their medical appointments and shopping needs. What makes this podcast guest so unique is that he truly knows how the young see life, but he also knows intimately the inevitable life conclusions of the elderly as they approach the other end of life’s journey. That’s it. Slatts sees ‘the journey’ and in this episode he will share with you how to embrace from start to finish the joy of life. It’s easy to love this simple happy man. I sense you too will feel that connection throughout this outstanding podcast.
 7. John Slattery - Service Is Not A Dirty Word... It's a Pathway to Happiness!
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