79. Lachlan 'Chip' Huddy offers proof that this Podcast can turn you into a Spielberg.

Over the last year, your feedback told us here at A JOURNEY WITH BERNIE, just how much value the additional presence of Lachlan 'Chip' Huddy has brought to this podcast. Who else would have greeted our listeners with a turn of phrase like, "Greetings, you hungry Grizzly Bears feasting on the Salmon of Enlightenment".
Who else could call upon his breadth of reading, research and realizations to add informed wisdom beyond comparison. Who else could humbly turn his role of co-host into one in which he joyfully became 'the listener's ears', questioning and clarifying our guests into actions that truly added value to all of our lives.
Who else could take a amateur local audio product and through masterful editing and productions skills turn it into a truly global offering valued by listeners from 52 countries.
This is why in this episode we celebrate Chip's move to become the author and director of a monumental feature film, which means his temporary absence from our weekly show. This is why we have asked him for all of his learnings over the last 2 years, and why we must humbly honor the contributions of Lachlan 'Chip' Huddy to this global offering.

So here in Episode 79, Chip leaves us with a description of his own journey, identifying those lessons that have greatly influenced his life over the last few years. As usual, he describes the complex with simplicity in the most masterful of ways. If ever you wondered what the collective influence of all of these wise thoughts, ideas and actions offered by our guests could be, then this is the episode that will 'rid you of your bloopers, open up your lens and reveal a magical world of possibilities'.

And as a finale, if ever you wanted to hear what love actually sounds and feels like between two heterosexual great mates, who despite 25 years of difference, were blessed to find each other than the ending of this podcast will enlighten you.

So, to Lachlan 'Chip' Huddy, I on behalf of our near 10000 listeners simply say, "Go forth, you masterful Yoda of the Lens. Snap your camera. Call for 'Action' and brighten the globe with your smorgasbord of wisdom, truths and cinematic enlightenment" ... for this is what you have brought to us in different forms over the last two years. 

We salute you.

To give your own personal thanks to 'Chip', text him on ... +61 410 603 336
Do you have some feedback for Bernie about how to add even more value to the Podcast. 
You know how I would love to hear from you ... +61 412 982 444
79. Lachlan 'Chip' Huddy offers proof that this Podcast can turn you into a Spielberg.
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