8. Joel Staite - Ordinary Guy Says 'Thank you' to Cancer

The prospect of death is a constant in all life and can be used as a stimulus to not only truly live, but to find pathways to greater happiness and love.
Someone asked me last week ‘Which podcast so far is my personal favourite’? 

I refused to answer because all offer such different value, but I did say there is something very, very special about this episode. 
It starts with this unique circumstance. At age 31, Joel Staite, a competitive cyclist and Ironman discovers blood in his urine, ignited by a rare cancer called Collecting Duct Carcinoma. This erratic condition only affects 50-60 people globally per year. Talk about against the odds! It has a dire life expectancy. 

Joel’s pathway to combat this dreaded attack on his body started in 2016 with the removal of his kidney. In 2018, on his 33rd birthday, Joel had 6.5 litres of fluid drained from his abdomen indicating that his tumours were getting worse, not better. Quite simply, if a second immunotherapy drug didn't work, Joel had less than 12 months to live. So, what was Joel’s response?
Joel chose to let the prospect of death inspire a desire to truly live. He embraced the stimulation of visiting developing countries with multiple trips overseas. He threw himself into strengthening his body by training for and completing Olympic distance triathlons and long cycling challenges like Mater Smiling for Smiddy.

For many who know him, Joel has become a beacon for human potential. Fine tuning the right mind-set through meditation practices has been high on Joel’s agenda. He eats predominantly plant based foods. So far, he has gained three great years. In his own words, Joel summarises his evolving view, “Life is so precious. We never know what is going to happen, so just make the most of every single day. Maximise today. Maximise the current moment.” Not so long ago, Joel received great news.  “Whatever you are doing … just keep doing it, because your cancer is retreating.” 

Despite this favorable turn around, new tumours near his liver and spleen threaten. Joel’s answer is to keep fighting with a balance of both medical and spiritual solutions. Bravely, he willingly put his hand up to trial a new drug designed to stop feeding the cancer with protein. There have been side effects, but more importantly his tumours have reduced by 40%. His battle continues. This story of Joel Staite will teach you so much. Expect to learn how to draw strength for adversity. See why pain and chaos can sometimes be a blessing. Be inspired by how the prospect of death can actually be a catalyst for greater love and life.

Joel will embrace any support you are willing to offer which is why you can email him at joel_staite@hotmail.com or even better help Joel’s personal mission to raise funds for Cancer Research by donating to https://fundraise.mater.org.au/fundraisers/joelstaite

I figure the learnings from this podcast is worth $1000’s, which is why a $100 donation to support Joel is most certainly in order. What say you?

Now listen to this wonderful man. It’s worth hearing twice!
8. Joel Staite - Ordinary Guy Says 'Thank you' to Cancer
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