81. Brendan Ramnath ... What would be the value to live without TIME?

A JOURNEY WITH BERNIE has always advocated that 'it is difficult to turn your back completely on society's paradigms of success, the need for money, work for 45 years, build your castle etc etc. Even if you sensed it as a formula for stress, strains and headaches, perhaps even a pathway to habitual unhappiness, we have always suggested that the search is for a MODIFIED EXISTENCE only. However, there are some rare individuals who are prepared to have so much faith in their journey for sustainable inner joy, that A MODIFICATION is simply not enough. I think in our two-year existence, this podcast has met three such people, one of them being today's guest ... BRENDAN RAMNATH.

The first however, was Matthew Barber Episode 33 who was quite happy to announce that the pathway to liberation is his choice and his episode is exactly that ... enlightening ! ... https://open.spotify.com/episode/13AiqvICoaZiugTzfeYSX0?si=eea6899f162e4c1e

The second is Louise Bennet, the only person to appear on our podcast 3 times. Louise is 'the beautiful', who discovered her uncompromising pathway to a greater joyful life, through embracing a mastectomy while combating her breast cancer. Her story is beautifully told in Episodes 60, 63 and 64. You should not miss them ... https://open.spotify.com/episode/1PvhH16CXYc7VhGs4MX1Cm?si=9e72f811119c45df

Louise returns in this podcast as my co-host and joyfully announces that she is now in remission and is going to Nepal with us this November to trek the Himalayas. Yes, you read that correctly. Just months after being medically informed that her cancer was in decline, Louise continues to choose greater life. This time, by retreating to the most powerful forces of nature upon our planet. There is a profound message here about how greater life can be found in those who truly understand death.

It is not surprising that Louise's remarkable journey has led her to beautiful companionship with today's guest ... BRENDAN RAMNATH. Like Louise he is in his early 30's, but this young man is courage personified. Many people hear their calling but only few are fearless enough to ardently follow it. As Brendan describes, he too is climbing a life ladder, but his rungs are steps along the way that only lead to greater inner joy and an enhanced capacity to love self, life and people. The rungs of his ladder, he calls virtues. His first is AWARENESS. It is high level AWARENESS that allows him to choose his experience in most given moments. He rarely falls victim to 'monkey mind' and its continuous bombardment of distracting messages. Living his virtues of HONESTY and AWARENESS simultaneously, means it is not possible for Brendan to be false, fake, ego in that moment. BRENDAN RAMNATH is walking AUTHENTICITY.

Of course, you will be challenged in this episode, but isn't that what A JOURNEY WITH BERNIE is all about?
Wait until he explains the value of living without time metrics by turning off the clock on your iPhone or getting rid of your watches. BRENDAN sleeps without alarms and rarely misses an appointment!

Heh, this Episode is a thought provoker. It will make you consider that, of which you may not have even been aware.
Embrace it. Listen and consider, and you will leave this episode a richer human being. You might even find the time to read two books, so strongly recommended by Louise and Brendan.

The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Van Der Kolk, and Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. Like this episode, both are game changers!

Do you want to speak to Brendan and/or Louise directly? 
Brendan ... +61 481 868 742
Louise Bennet ... +61 406 512 389
I want to speak to you for sure! I want your feedback!
Bernie Kelly ... + 61 412 982 444
81. Brendan Ramnath ... What would be the value to live without TIME?
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