9. Peter Darcy - The Search for Greater Joy is a Life-Long Quest

Stop looking in the Rear Vision Mirror … Look forward with hope, expectation and clear purpose.
Peter Darcy may be the only student ever to get a worse Year 12 result in his repeat year then he did in his first attempt. Yet, it never stopped him from calling on his zest for life which was inspired through early childhood adventures in Papua New Guinea. Exploring the townships and venturing into virgin forests taught Peter to be independent, to step outside of comfort zone and to believe that he could handle any issue. Yet in his own words, he found it so easy to fall into line with conventional living of building a commercial empire, growing the bank account and taking the roads most commonly travelled. His real estate agency thrived on his enthusiasm and energy but lacked realism and sincerity. 

Consequently, when cancer arrived in his middle years of life, he saw it as a tap on the shoulder from the ‘big fella upstairs’ that he needed to re-visit and re-evaluate his values and reflect on what truly brought meaning to his life. The landscape is changing now. He embraces his spirituality. Sees greater opportunity to demonstrate love in all dimensions of his life and claims that he has never been driven by more hope and vision than now. Peter is 62 and if there is one line in this whole episode that will hit a nerve is Peter’s strong request ‘to stop looking in the rear vision mirror’ for fear that the past tarnishes the now and distorts our hopes and vision for our desired futures.

Peter’s book of the moment has been inspired by Episode One guest Emeritus Professor Kenneth Pakenham. Ken’s book ‘The Trauma Banquet’ offered by MoshPit Publishing can easily be obtained online through the usual channels of Booktopia, Amazon, Angus and Robertson etc. It is truly a mind-blowing read.

Peter so welcomes your feedback and connection. Simply go to www.darcy.com.au where all contact details can be found. Peter is waiting to hear from you.
9. Peter Darcy - The Search for Greater Joy is a Life-Long Quest
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