96. How Dr Adrian Mattke lives between life and death ... and why you should too!

Open up Google and type in Dr Adrian Mattke. If you can find his bio send it to me! I am sure there is a resume page about Adrian Mattke somewhere, but I couldn't find it amidst the hundred plus research articles referencing this incredible Doctor's passion for looking after very sick children ... sometimes dying infants. The vast amounts of references to Adrian's valuable research are stunning. It is obvious that when it comes to Pediatric Intensive Care, Dr Adrian Mattke is world class. 

This entire episode explores so many human dimensions of Adrian's incredible work. 
These five discussions are riveting ...
  1. How ego and individual advocacy may have to be modified to allow the collective expertise to arrive at sometimes lifesaving medicinal strategy. 
  2. Why it is so important at times to 'ride the pain' with parents and families. At times the best medicine is just 'being there' with them.
  3. How parental love can be an even greater medicine than any tablet or formula. Doctors like Adrian know this from experience now. 
  4. How Western Medicine has slowly moved to embrace a more wholistic approach to resolve health matters. Consequently, the opinions and collective knowledge of all stakeholders including patient and families can inspire favorable medicinal pathways.
  5. This of course, does not diminish professional responsibility. In fact, it is a demonstration of professional accountability to include rather than ignore under the banner of status and perceived right.
The fascinating conclusion is that Adrian points out how so many of the principles that need to thrive in an effective Intensive Care Unit also have to serve our lives. 

Of course, only a man whose foundation was so varied, so rich and so volatile would recognize these valuable comparisons with life. Being raised in West Germany when the country was divided was stimulating in itself. Choosing to do his tertiary studies in East Germany after integration, was a chapter that has colored the tapestry of this man's existence.

Are you ready for a unique ride inside the mind of a reputable medical professional?
Are you ready to learn from someone who plays in the space between life and death on a daily basis?
Are you ready to embrace a man whose work is an extension of values that have been moulded and shaped by both the joy and heartache of serving a child's life. Not all were happy stories.

References in this podcast promoted "The Courage to be Disliked" ... the worldwide Japanese phenomena to be found on Google or Amazon.
Adrain also suggests you read Erich Fromm's "The Art of Loving" and Scott Peck's epic books "People of the Lie" and "The Road Less Travelled".
Bernie K also advocates that after this episode you will have an excellent reason to immediately 'Follow' A JOURNEY WITH BERNIE by pressing the appropriate button on this link ... A Journey with Bernie Podcast Series - Apple Podcasts
96. How Dr Adrian Mattke lives between life and death ... and why you should too!
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